When will I receive my order?
Orders that can be shipped via UPS, allow 3-5 business days. If it takes longer, e-mail us at or call us at 1-630-247-0801 and we'll expedite your order.
Allow freight truck orders 3 or 6 business days.
**Please note that most items are stock. However, some items that are not as popular are built to order. Built to order takes an additional 48 hours**
SPECIAL SHIPPING: Most Residential shipments require a truck LIFT GATE. The cost usually is $45.00 to $75.00 based on your county. Please call for a quote or place your order and we will call you or e-mail you the additional cost for the LIFT GATE.
**ANY ORDER OVER $1,900.00 has FREE LIFT GATE!!!!
Business DOCK to Business DOCK is FREE!